Who am I?

“Life here is so elemental. So real. Without the interference of civilization you can really experience things like,...silence. Silence and darkness in its purity. Right now, right outside my window all I can see is a black void. Endless darkness. It’s totally exhilarating, and I feel very lucky to be here. Very, very lucky.”

— Dr. Joel Fleischman in Northern Exposure

I consider myself to be a person of the North. In “the North” I feel myself the best. I like rough stormy weathers and greens of the North.


My principal values: Tradition, Honour, Discipline, Excellence

I am 44, single, polish-belgian guy living in Belgium and The Netherlands. 

While I work with my head, privately I know how to use my hands. Motorbiking is my passion. 

I don’t adhere to any religion govern by others. Rather, I strongly believe the nature is the only “religion” we have. Odinism or heathenry is the closest to my spirituality.  

I usually walk my own paths. I like to question and understand things. I am definitely a rebel or “viking” type. Statements like: “it is so” or even worse “god says say so” make me walk away. 

While, I might be considered to be not politically correct, I always respect others and I disregard any human-made labels classifying others. 

I have an open heart, but I can hit hard as well, if deemed necessary or if me as a person is not respected. 

I like photography, video making, sociology, technology and broadly understood “gear”. 

I like travelling and discovering places or learning about different cultures. I strongly dislike (or even hate) mass-tourism and “all-inclusive” events. I prefer the nature, but I also like to visit cities. I generally avoid “top tourist attractions”, but it is not a rule.

My definition of hell: Disneyland, all-inclusive cruise ship, staying in a gayᚼ hotel.

ᚼ I am gay. However, I do not identify myself with the LGTB movement (see also my blog post here).

I am an INFJ (according to Myers-Briggs 16personalities theory).

I speak fluently Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish and Polish. Additionally, I know basic Chinese and Latin (yes Latin).


Who inspires me?

Tim Collins

Deniz – DT CombatFit (link coming soon)


Itchy Boots

Simon Sinek


Who is Largo?

Largo, my furry friend. Gorgeous American Stafford, great doggy’s heart, sometimes slightly annoying. He loves to take parts in my video-conference meetings, which I take, while I work from home. Largo always knows when is the “right” moment to request from my time slot for playing… The best moment is usually when I have meeting with my bosses.

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