Social unrests

In the recent days, we can observe social unrests and riots in different European countries:

  • In the Netherlands – triggered by introduction of curfew
  • In Poland – triggered by prohibition of abortion in all cases
  • In Belgium – occasionally because of police, youngsters tensions
  • and in may other European countries in smaller intensity

In my opinion, it is just a prelude of what it is coming. The reasons for protests and riots are actually less relevant. They just “ignite” the social unrests. It is not about curfew or abortion as such. I believe, it is more generalised “unhappiness” of the societies and broadly understood lack of “vision” for the future or in other words desperation. 

I believe, we have reached the end of an “époque” of “happy” globalisation, which started after the fall of communism in Eastern European countries and fall of Berlin Wall. We can even extend this period to whole 80 years after the Second Wold War. 

I think the reasons are simple… we reached the end of the “capitalism” game. Not that I am against capitalism… I know from my own experience that communism doesn’t work. Unfortunately, capitalism neither. The latter one is a bit like the Monopoly game. We play, until one or few have everything and the rest are bankrupt. On a world scale we reached this stage. Covid, just accelerated this process. On the top of that, few realise that we are in the middle of technological revolution. New technologies, such as AI, will take many jobs. Yeah, we have heard this before, during the industrial revolution at the end of XIX century: “People we have more time for their leisures”. Well we know from the history, it was not like that … and consequences were quite dramatic. 

I try to be an optimist and hope that humanity learnt the lesson of the previous century. The riots, unrests and reactions of various governments give me, unfortunately, arguments, that this is not the case. 

We think that post-Covid financial crisis was avoided … Yes we are in recession, but there was no financial drama … Well, I think not yet … For me it is clear that the current financial system is unsustainable. Covid showed there the division line is. There are those who can work from home, buy Apple products and adapt/profit from the technological revolution and “gillets jeaunes”, who cannot.

The question is, will we manage to deal with this division in a peaceful way? Will we repartition goods? In my view, Covid is a “natural” response to human responsibility. I believe that nature is way smarter than human species. There are so many things we don’t understand, especially in makro-scale. 

Last, but not least, ironically exactly 100 years ago, humanity underwent Spanish-Flu pandemic – as a result of globalisation then (the spread was result of 1st World War). Covid spread is a result of Globalisation (in our case mass tourism). 

We all know what happened 20 years after the Spanish Flu pandemic. 

The question is what will happen in the next 20 years …

I have a rather pessimist view…



I am gay and I had a same-sex family with my husband before he unexpectedly died in 2016. I was married for 13 years and 15 years in total in a relationship with the same man. I loved him to the bone. 

While “gay” is a common word describing a homosexual person, this word devaluated, in my opinion, its meaning in the last two decades. Thus, I describe myself as an androphile, which means a man who is attracted to masculinity or to men (as opposed to effeminate men).

I seek long-term relationship and family, like many of others. The only difference with regard to heterosexual persons is that personally, I feel fulfilled in a relationship with another man. 

I don’t need any gay prides to demonstrate this characteristic of my personality. The same, like we don’t have “green eyed” or “red hair” prides. 

What do I think about LGBT?

Like many ideas and movements LGBT degenerated over the last years. I agree with the original idea of “emancipation” and seeking societal recognition of same-sex couples. In many of the western societies and even in some “non-western” cultures this status has been recognised. LGBT movement, in the “west” has thus no “enemy” to fight with. So artificial objects to “hate” were found. Broadly speaking LGBT movement creates fake problems to justify a fight. I see a lot of so called “hate-speech” coming out for certain LGBT leaders. I underline, in my view, everyone has the fundamental right to be who one is or aspires to be. It is also legitimate to expect tolerance of others with regard to one’s identity. However, tolerance is not automatically acceptance and one cannot expect that everyone should accept, apprehend and live someone’s lifestyle (lifestyle – including conscious choices and/or genetic characteristics). There is a significant difference between tolerance and acceptance. Tolerance means respecting boundaries of others. Acceptance means assimilating and adjusting own boundaries to accommodate the accepted idea. 

Today, LGBT or gender movements try to force the acceptance by trespassing those boundaries and forcing others to live lives of others. Even worse, they accuse those having difficulties with the acceptance of hate-speech, racism, etc …, at the same time using negative and forceful approach the movement accuses others doing.

LGBT movement was fighting for equality, but at the same time this equality led to new ghettos. We have now gay-hotels, gay-banks, gay this, gay that … The mainstream gay community so much touched by discrimination, started to discriminate others. Any critical arguments or even questions are considered as “an attack” or “hate-speech”. At the same time, I totally disagree with the anti-LGBT movements claiming that a same-sex family cannot give love to an adopted child, it is simply an emotional argument without any proof. 

Thus, all those “movements” are not my movements because I don’t want everyone to agree with me or live my life. I accept (yes – assimilate the fact in my behaviour) that there are other believes, cultures, choices. It is not a problem for me and natural diversity is always good. The problem starts when divergent views are being forced on others. It does matter if it is islamic religion or lgtb/gender. 

I recommend an interesting book of Douglas Murray “The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity”, which discusses these topics. 

Personal conclusion

Finally, my values, thoughts and desires are generally in opposition to what the mainstream gay lifestyle represents. 

I think I am quite conservative. I am and always have been a monogamist… I desire a family and love. I am a very loyal and faithful person… Even though I might like some *kink*, in my dictionary of values there is no “open relationship” entry. 

The same way, I do not wish any religions (any!!! not only islam) telling me, how should I live, I don’t wish those radical lgbt leaders telling me that I am a homophobe… It is my *own* personal business what do I think about myself and nobody has the right to tell me what’s good or bad. You may like or hate me … your choice… I always like to discuss and exchange arguments… But as soon as a discussion moves to emotions without willing to listen, I walk away. 

Social media

I am not sure if I don’t understand social media or understand it too well. I think I don’t understand what drives people using them. They create false personalities and spend a lot of time on social media. Social media became a medium where one channel frustrations and waste time. In a great part they are not social – they are antisocial. They destroy mentally those who “create” such false content and those who consume it. Really people! There is real life out there. Not perfect, but real! Live the real life… it is much more fulfilling than fake stimulation!

I recommend to watch a documentary about social media – available on Netflix: The Social Dilemma

Mission to Mars

Today I read in the news that China launched a spacecraft to Mars. Interestingly, yesterday when testing my home cinema installation, I watch film “The Martian”. It made me think … we, as humans are capable of great stuff … sometimes acting as humanity … But then divisions and power-greed divides us. We are capable to send spacecrafts to Mars, but we are unable to fight such a tiny, invisible thing like a virus here on the Earth… Human species is remarkable. Our greed and disrespect to our planet put us on the edge of extinction.

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